Friday, December 21, 2012

Research Paper

I finally finished with my research paper. I felt like I could talk about the makeup forever but it was really hard to find good sources for everything. Most of what I would find were on Yahoo Answers and I couldn't use those. I'm fairly happy with my paper. I feel like i got my point across to the reader.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Research paper

This research paper is getting easier. I'm really not the worried about the writing anymore it's more I feel like everything is coming to fast. There seems to be so many deadlines coming too fast.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have started to feel better now that I've been getting e-mails and calls about my project. I got an e-mail today from a girl that said she had two dresses and a phone call from someone who said she had 3 one of which is brand new. I need to remember to talk to Dionne, Lynn, and Chelsea to see if they want to set up a table to make hair appointments and what not also. I also need to get a hold of Becky for a cookie lee table.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ball Rolling

I had a break down yesterday from worrying about my project completely failing. Later last night I was working on my research outline and got super frustrated again but I got most of it done I just need to research ym last two points. I also finally got some dresses and that definitely made me relax a little and I got an e-mail from a girl in Freeman about wanting to sell hers. I feel better now about getting dresses beings as I now have 20. Now I'm just worried about people not buying them.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This whole procratinating thing is really coming to bite me in the butt. I got the flyers done and hung around town but i have yet to get them to any other towns. The event is coming up way to quick and I'm starting to get a little frustrated and worried about wether or not I'm going to completely fail this project..

Monday, October 22, 2012


Tomorrow is the first time I'll actually sit and talk to Angie about my project. Hopefully we can decide on a date that is reasonable and I can get my head straight about all the little details that could either make or break my project/event. I've been reallllyy bad about remembering to blog and pretty sure that's just going to bite me in the behind once  my project really gets moving and I have to put my portfolio and board together.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Calling my mentor was a little stressful. I kept putting it off because i didn't want to talk to a stranger on the phone. I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to say to her. Once I actually called she wasn't there -_-, so I ended up calling again after school. She sounded very happy to help me with my project.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back on the Rack

It took me forever to get my proposal written up. I had so many things I wanted to include in this event but I had to decide which ones were relevent to my project. I finally picked a name that I feel is appealing. I like the fact that Back on the Rack expresses the consignment aspect of my project.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Prom Dress Drive

I've decided to do a prom dress consignment for my project. While I think this is a really cool idea for girls to get rid of their old dresses and make some extra cash and possibly find their dress for this upcoming prom I'm having troubles thinking of a cute name to call it. Calling it a prom dress drive is really drab and wouldn't make me want to go or particiapte.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I haven't even started my project and I'm already stressing out about it. I don't know where I'm supposed to start or anything.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Fears

My biggest concerns for this is if I want to do my dress drive no one will show up or I won't have enough dresses. I know I will procrastinate so what if I don't get done on time? What if in the middle of my project I decide I hate it? What if I really can't do it? What if I fell apart? Would I fail?

My expectations for this is to learn something new and to see that I can actually successfully do something on my own. Maybe it'll help break my procrastination problem that I've had for so many years. I want to be proud of what I've done. Hopefully under classmen will look at my project and think it was a really cool project. I want to do something I've always wanted to do but haven't had the guts to do it. I expect this to be a long and frustrating goal.